What's In A Name? The Eponymic Route To Immortality
Thus, Rudolf Diesel is the eponym of the diesel engine. The term eponym is derived from the Greek words epi, meaning upon, and onyma, meaning name. 1 In addition to designating the namesake of a word, eponym has a second meaning—aterm or phrase den"vedfrom a person's name. 2 By this definition, diesel … Doc Viewer
Universitatea Liberă
Eponym. ist ein Begriff, der eine Sache mit einer namengebenden realen oder fiktiven Person (Namensgeber) oder einem Ort verbindet. Beckmesserei, Boykott, Browning-System, Diesel, Knigge, Mansarde, Masochismus, Mäzen, Sandwich, Schrebergarten, Silhouette, Sütterlinschrift, Tempo. … Fetch Here

Review Article Eponymous Dermatology: An Overview
Thus, Rudolf Diesel is the eponym of the diesel engine. The term eponym is derived from the Greek words epi, meaning upon, and onyma , meaning name. 1 Thus, an eponym is a person (real or fictitious) from whom something is said to take its name. … Fetch Document
List Of eponyms (A-K) – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
An eponym is a person (real or fictitious) from whom something is said to take its name. Rudolf Diesel — the diesel engine; Paul Dirac — Dirac fermion, Dirac spinor, Dirac equation, Dirac delta function, Dirac sea, Dirac Prize, Fermi-Dirac … Read Article
A Person’s Name Is The First Factor To Recognize Them As …
Diesel engine is named after Rudolf Diesel, a French mechanical engineer whose invention made a leap in human history. This linguistic phenomenon is called eponym, which are commonly used in medicine, science and daily life conversation. … Retrieve Doc
Hamann Conqueror II (HD 1080p) – YouTube
The technology specialist allows the Range Rover Sport 5,0 V8-Supercharged to achieve an engine Also the Diesel model is equipped with extra power. most modern forged technology and refined with an anodized surface are both hallmark and eponym … View Video
Columnar-lined esophagus: Time to drop the eponym of "barrett": Historical review. A simplistic way for cooling an intermittent operating internal combustion engine. Growth of streptomyces spp. from hydrocarbon-polluted soil on diesel and their analysis for the … Content Retrieval
What Is An Eponym? – Examples Of Eponyms – Words Derived From …
If you look up eponym in Webster, you'll find that using Webster as a synonym for dictionary is a perfectly eponymous thing to do. After surviving the explosion of his first internal combustion engine, German engineer Rudolf Diesel went on to achieve wealth and fame–until drowning when he went … Read Article
diesel: ogler: 52: lungs : aeon: dingle: organ: 53: tooth : aerial engine : 1232 : enigma : 1233 : enmity : 1234 : enow eponym : 1254 : epopee : 1255 : epos : 1256 : equal … Fetch Content
2010 Hamann Conqueror II – YouTube
The technology specialist allows the Range Rover Sport 5,0 V8-Supercharged to achieve an engine Also the Diesel model is equipped with extra power. most modern forged technology and refined with an anodized surface are both hallmark and eponym … View Video
April 4, 2009 Nancy Cushen White, Ed.D. 11 Roots-Base Elements-Stems EXAMPLES OF ROOTS Eponym a sports outfit—baggy trousers gathered at ankles worn under a short skirt—bloomers] diesel—Rudolf Diesel [a German mechanical engineer invented heavy-duty internal-combustion engine to … Fetch Doc
At Home In The Elements.
No wonder that Carl Berg, the eponym and founder of one of our predecessor companies, was nearby Altena, specialized in vehicle and engine Modern diesel exhaust valves can measure up to two metres high, and they … Retrieve Full Source

Ellipsis (Diesel engine — diesel) or, in other words, semantically condensed eponym and eponymic name — «name, derived from an eponym» [8:151]. A. Superanskaya gives such examples of eponyms as ancient Greek patro- … Doc Retrieval
engine enigma enmity enow ensign entia entity entree entry envier envoy envy enzyme diesel dieses diesis diet digest digger digit dimity dimple dinar diner dingey dinghy … Access Full Source
YouTube – Whittling – YouTube
An EMD GP38-2 is a four-axle diesel-electric locomotive of the road switcher type built by General Power was provided by an EMD 645E 16-cylinder engine, which generated 2000 horsepower (1.5 MW). In fact, "Dremel" is often used as a proprietary eponym; many Americans call all rotary tools … View Video
Our eponym and development partner was Ingvar Carlsson Anwesen auf Gut Wiesenhof in Merzig Property of Brilliant Edition (FA 9.5×20", 305/45 ZR 20 – RA 9.5×20", 305/45 ZR 20) Leistungskit C-Tronic ® Diesel Kompressor-Motor CM55 K, 353 kW (480 PS)/6000 min-1 Compressor engine CM55 K, 353 kW (480 hp)/6000 … Access Content

Eponyms In Medicine
Peculiarly, in the Sciences, and particularly in Medicine, the term eponym is generally understood to mean something (like a disease or device in medicine) which has been named after a person. These eponyms are generally understood to honour the discoverer. Thus the diesel engine is named after a German … Access Doc
Tinnutab.com Advertise on this site Rocket launching 180 Danger level Threshold of pain Gunshot Jet engine power mower 105 Can damage hearing after 1 hour exposure per day Jet takeoff @ 500m Train horn @ 30m Diesel advertising disclaimer Ads by Google Hearing Loss Read the latest about Hearing Loss eponym.com Control … Get Document
A Guide To English Language Usage
Ellipsis is the term for the three dots (…) that indicate an omission in a quotation. eponyms An eponym is the use of the inventor of a thing as are always waterproof rubber boots, usually black or green and often known as wellies; the Bodleian Library (in Oxford), the cardigan, the diesel engine … Return Doc